Art in digital-only form utilized as NFTS may outpace the non-tradable tokens “representing basketball players or corporate titans”. Many of the NFTs in existence are currently found on the Ethereum Blockchain where they hoid value representing money.
At a very high level, most NFTs are part of the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Dogecoin and you can buy cryptocurrency in Turkey, but the blockchain also supports these NFTs that store additional information, making it work differently from an ETH coin, for example. It is worth noting that other blockchains may implement their own versions of NFT.
The Crypto Train, which is now up for auction online, fills an obvious gap. Forget non-tradable tokens representing basketball players or corporate titans: Let’s see more artworks representing money.
“Even before the Crypto Train went up for auction, we had great bids from serious crypto enthusiasts and Silicon Valley investors who now best understand this exploding virtual investment trend,” said lead Thomas Crown Art director Stephen Howes. independent international arts agency that manages the sale.
While still a student at the Royal College of Art in London, Chesterman opened his first exhibition at Liberty’s on Regent Street. Exhibitions at the Center Pompidou in Paris and other major international galleries followed. As a versatile artist, he has worked on the promotion of Spielberg’s Jurassic Park, the set of Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s Sunset Boulevard, promotions for Coca Cola, original designs for theme parks in the United Arab Emirates and China, and Spiderman games for the MGA. in Los Angeles; He has illustrated numerous book covers especially for Jackie Collins, Jack Higgins and Dick Francis; He illustrated several musical album covers, including Motorhead’s acclaimed Bomber cover, album and book cover for The Meaning of Life for the Monty Python team, and Chris Rea’s acclaimed The Road to Hell album cover and many other projects. Regarding Chesterman’s digital artwork The Crypto Train, Stephen Howes acknowledges that there are still plenty of NFT skeptics on the market.
He repeats this: “Those who rejected the idea of art in digital-only form would be the same as those who rejected the potential of the internet in the ’90s and said Amazon ‘is not catching up as an online retailer’ in the 2000s. request.”
British artist Adrian Chesterman, creator of The Crypto Train, explains his visual metaphor of wanting to bridge the gap between traditional money mechanisms and the new virtual world of Bitcoin and Ethereum: “I thought a locomotive was the perfect vehicle to drive. It depicts such a metaphysical journey, as it is a land-based machine that moves fast and constantly pushes in one direction… forward.